在 Java 中使用 WebRTC 传输视频 您所在的位置:网站首页 webrtc ar 在 Java 中使用 WebRTC 传输视频

在 Java 中使用 WebRTC 传输视频

#在 Java 中使用 WebRTC 传输视频| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


在前面的文章中,我已经介绍了如何使用 WebRTC 的 Native API,通过它们大家应该已经了解了正常 API 的一些使用方法和套路。从本文开始,我将介绍一下我这边对 Native API 默认实现的覆写过程,本文我们将先来介绍一些如何把 Java 中的音视频传输给 WebRTC Lib。本文源代码可通过扫描文章下方的公众号获取或付费下载。更多相关文章和其他文章均收录于贝贝猫的文章目录。

音视频数据采集 从Java采集音频数据 接口介绍


// 这里我只留下一些关键的内容 class AudioDeviceModule : public rtc::RefCountInterface { public: // 该回调是音频采集的关键,当我们有新的音频数据时,需要将其封装成正确的形式,通过该回调传递音频数据 // Full-duplex transportation of PCM audio virtual int32_t RegisterAudioCallback(AudioTransport* audioCallback) = 0; // 列出所有可使用的音频输入输出设备,因为我们要代理整个音频采集(输出)模块,所以这些函数只返回一个设备就行了 // Device enumeration virtual int16_t PlayoutDevices() = 0; virtual int16_t RecordingDevices() = 0; virtual int32_t PlayoutDeviceName(uint16_t index, char name[kAdmMaxDeviceNameSize], char guid[kAdmMaxGuidSize]) = 0; virtual int32_t RecordingDeviceName(uint16_t index, char name[kAdmMaxDeviceNameSize], char guid[kAdmMaxGuidSize]) = 0; // 在需要进行音频采集和音频输出时,上层接口会通过下列函数指定想要使用的设备,因为前面几个函数我们只返回了一个设备,所有上层接口只会使用该设备 // Device selection virtual int32_t SetPlayoutDevice(uint16_t index) = 0; virtual int32_t SetPlayoutDevice(WindowsDeviceType device) = 0; virtual int32_t SetRecordingDevice(uint16_t index) = 0; virtual int32_t SetRecordingDevice(WindowsDeviceType device) = 0; // 初始化内容 // Audio transport initialization virtual int32_t PlayoutIsAvailable(bool* available) = 0; virtual int32_t InitPlayout() = 0; virtual bool PlayoutIsInitialized() const = 0; virtual int32_t RecordingIsAvailable(bool* available) = 0; virtual int32_t InitRecording() = 0; virtual bool RecordingIsInitialized() const = 0; // 开始录音/播放的接口 // Audio transport control virtual int32_t StartPlayout() = 0; virtual int32_t StopPlayout() = 0; virtual bool Playing() const = 0; virtual int32_t StartRecording() = 0; virtual int32_t StopRecording() = 0; virtual bool Recording() const = 0; // 后面这部分是音频播放相关,我并没有使用到 // Audio mixer initialization virtual int32_t InitSpeaker() = 0; virtual bool SpeakerIsInitialized() const = 0; virtual int32_t InitMicrophone() = 0; virtual bool MicrophoneIsInitialized() const = 0; // Speaker volume controls virtual int32_t SpeakerVolumeIsAvailable(bool* available) = 0; virtual int32_t SetSpeakerVolume(uint32_t volume) = 0; virtual int32_t SpeakerVolume(uint32_t* volume) const = 0; virtual int32_t MaxSpeakerVolume(uint32_t* maxVolume) const = 0; virtual int32_t MinSpeakerVolume(uint32_t* minVolume) const = 0; // Microphone volume controls virtual int32_t MicrophoneVolumeIsAvailable(bool* available) = 0; virtual int32_t SetMicrophoneVolume(uint32_t volume) = 0; virtual int32_t MicrophoneVolume(uint32_t* volume) const = 0; virtual int32_t MaxMicrophoneVolume(uint32_t* maxVolume) const = 0; virtual int32_t MinMicrophoneVolume(uint32_t* minVolume) const = 0; // Speaker mute control virtual int32_t SpeakerMuteIsAvailable(bool* available) = 0; virtual int32_t SetSpeakerMute(bool enable) = 0; virtual int32_t SpeakerMute(bool* enabled) const = 0; // Microphone mute control virtual int32_t MicrophoneMuteIsAvailable(bool* available) = 0; virtual int32_t SetMicrophoneMute(bool enable) = 0; virtual int32_t MicrophoneMute(bool* enabled) const = 0; // 多声道支持 // Stereo support virtual int32_t StereoPlayoutIsAvailable(bool* available) const = 0; virtual int32_t SetStereoPlayout(bool enable) = 0; virtual int32_t StereoPlayout(bool* enabled) const = 0; virtual int32_t StereoRecordingIsAvailable(bool* available) const = 0; virtual int32_t SetStereoRecording(bool enable) = 0; virtual int32_t StereoRecording(bool* enabled) const = 0; // Playout delay virtual int32_t PlayoutDelay(uint16_t* delayMS) const = 0; }; 实现内容

简单浏览完AudioDeviceModule之后,想必大家应该已经有思路了,我这里因为只涉及到音频采集,所以只实现了其中几个接口。简单的讲,我的思路就是在AudioDeviceModule中创建一个线程,当StartReCording被调用时,该线程开始以某一频率调用Java的相关代码来获取Audio PCM数据,然后以回调的形式上交数据。下面我就来介绍一下我实现的核心内容。

// 首先,我定了一个两个下级接口与Java端接口对应 class Capturer { public: virtual bool isJavaWrapper() { return false; } virtual ~Capturer() {} // Returns the sampling frequency in Hz of the audio data that this // capturer produces. virtual int SamplingFrequency() = 0; // Replaces the contents of |buffer| with 10ms of captured audio data // (see FakeAudioDevice::SamplesPerFrame). Returns true if the capturer can // keep producing data, or false when the capture finishes. virtual bool Capture(rtc::BufferT *buffer) = 0; }; class Renderer { public: virtual ~Renderer() {} // Returns the sampling frequency in Hz of the audio data that this // renderer receives. virtual int SamplingFrequency() const = 0; // Renders the passed audio data and returns true if the renderer wants // to keep receiving data, or false otherwise. virtual bool Render(rtc::ArrayView data) = 0; }; // 这两个下级接口的实现如下 class JavaAudioCapturerWrapper final : public FakeAudioDeviceModule::Capturer { public: // 构造函数主要是保存Java音频采集类的全局引用,然后获取到需要的函数 JavaAudioCapturerWrapper(jobject audio_capturer) : java_audio_capturer(audio_capturer) { WEBRTC_LOG("Instance java audio capturer wrapper.", INFO); JNIEnv *env = ATTACH_CURRENT_THREAD_IF_NEEDED(); audio_capture_class = env->GetObjectClass(java_audio_capturer); sampling_frequency_method = env->GetMethodID(audio_capture_class, "samplingFrequency", "()I"); capture_method = env->GetMethodID(audio_capture_class, "capture", "(I)Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;"); WEBRTC_LOG("Instance java audio capturer wrapper end.", INFO); } // 析构函数释放Java引用 ~JavaAudioCapturerWrapper() { JNIEnv *env = ATTACH_CURRENT_THREAD_IF_NEEDED(); if (audio_capture_class != nullptr) { env->DeleteLocalRef(audio_capture_class); audio_capture_class = nullptr; } if (java_audio_capturer) { env->DeleteGlobalRef(java_audio_capturer); java_audio_capturer = nullptr; } } bool isJavaWrapper() override { return true; } // 调用Java端函数获取采样率,这里我是调用了一次Java函数之后,就讲该值缓存了起来 int SamplingFrequency() override { if (sampling_frequency_in_hz == 0) { JNIEnv *env = ATTACH_CURRENT_THREAD_IF_NEEDED(); this->sampling_frequency_in_hz = env->CallIntMethod(java_audio_capturer, sampling_frequency_method); } return sampling_frequency_in_hz; } // 调用Java函数获取PCM数据,这里值得注意的是需要返回16-bit-小端序的PCM数据, bool Capture(rtc::BufferT *buffer) override { buffer->SetData( FakeAudioDeviceModule::SamplesPerFrame(SamplingFrequency()), // 通过该函数计算data buffer的size [&](rtc::ArrayView data) { // 得到前一个参数设置的指定大小的数据块 JNIEnv *env = ATTACH_CURRENT_THREAD_IF_NEEDED(); size_t length; jobject audio_data_buffer = env->CallObjectMethod(java_audio_capturer, capture_method, data.size() * 2);// 因为Java端操作的数据类型是Byte,所以这里size * 2 void *audio_data_address = env->GetDirectBufferAddress(audio_data_buffer); jlong audio_data_size = env->GetDirectBufferCapacity(audio_data_buffer); length = (size_t) audio_data_size / 2; // int16 等于 2个Byte memcpy(data.data(), audio_data_address, length * 2); env->DeleteLocalRef(audio_data_buffer); return length; }); return buffer->size() == buffer->capacity(); } private: jobject java_audio_capturer; jclass audio_capture_class; jmethodID sampling_frequency_method; jmethodID capture_method; int sampling_frequency_in_hz = 0; }; size_t FakeAudioDeviceModule::SamplesPerFrame(int sampling_frequency_in_hz) { return rtc::CheckedDivExact(sampling_frequency_in_hz, kFramesPerSecond); } constexpr int kFrameLengthMs = 10; // 10ms采集一次数据 constexpr int kFramesPerSecond = 1000 / kFrameLengthMs; //每秒采集的帧数 // 播放器里其实什么也没干^.^ class DiscardRenderer final : public FakeAudioDeviceModule::Renderer { public: explicit DiscardRenderer(int sampling_frequency_in_hz) : sampling_frequency_in_hz_(sampling_frequency_in_hz) {} int SamplingFrequency() const override { return sampling_frequency_in_hz_; } bool Render(rtc::ArrayView) override { return true; } private: int sampling_frequency_in_hz_; }; // 接下来是AudioDeviceModule的核心实现,我使用WebRTC提供的EventTimerWrapper和跨平台线程库来实现周期性Java采集函数调用 std::unique_ptr tick_; rtc::PlatformThread thread_; // 构造函数 FakeAudioDeviceModule::FakeAudioDeviceModule(std::unique_ptr capturer, std::unique_ptr renderer, float speed) : capturer_(std::move(capturer)), renderer_(std::move(renderer)), speed_(speed), audio_callback_(nullptr), rendering_(false), capturing_(false), done_rendering_(true, true), done_capturing_(true, true), tick_(webrtc::EventTimerWrapper::Create()), thread_(FakeAudioDeviceModule::Run, this, "FakeAudioDeviceModule") { } // 主要是将rendering_置为true int32_t FakeAudioDeviceModule::StartPlayout() { rtc::CritScope cs(&lock_); RTC_CHECK(renderer_); rendering_ = true; done_rendering_.Reset(); return 0; } // 主要是将rendering_置为false int32_t FakeAudioDeviceModule::StopPlayout() { rtc::CritScope cs(&lock_); rendering_ = false; done_rendering_.Set(); return 0; } // 主要是将capturing_置为true int32_t FakeAudioDeviceModule::StartRecording() { rtc::CritScope cs(&lock_); WEBRTC_LOG("Start audio recording", INFO); RTC_CHECK(capturer_); capturing_ = true; done_capturing_.Reset(); return 0; } // 主要是将capturing_置为false int32_t FakeAudioDeviceModule::StopRecording() { rtc::CritScope cs(&lock_); WEBRTC_LOG("Stop audio recording", INFO); capturing_ = false; done_capturing_.Set(); return 0; } // 设置EventTimer的频率,并开启线程 int32_t FakeAudioDeviceModule::Init() { RTC_CHECK(tick_->StartTimer(true, kFrameLengthMs / speed_)); thread_.Start(); thread_.SetPriority(rtc::kHighPriority); return 0; } // 保存上层音频采集的回调函数,之后我们会用它上交音频数据 int32_t FakeAudioDeviceModule::RegisterAudioCallback(webrtc::AudioTransport *callback) { rtc::CritScope cs(&lock_); RTC_DCHECK(callback || audio_callback_); audio_callback_ = callback; return 0; } bool FakeAudioDeviceModule::Run(void *obj) { static_cast(obj)->ProcessAudio(); return true; } void FakeAudioDeviceModule::ProcessAudio() { { rtc::CritScope cs(&lock_); if (needDetachJvm) { WEBRTC_LOG("In audio device module process audio", INFO); } auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); if (capturing_) { // Capture 10ms of audio. 2 bytes per sample. // 获取音频数据 const bool keep_capturing = capturer_->Capture(&recording_buffer_); uint32_t new_mic_level; if (keep_capturing) { // 通过回调函数上交音频数据,这里包括:数据,数据大小,每次采样数据多少byte,声道数,采样率,延时等 audio_callback_->RecordedDataIsAvailable( recording_buffer_.data(), recording_buffer_.size(), 2, 1, static_cast(capturer_->SamplingFrequency()), 0, 0, 0, false, new_mic_level); } // 如果没有音频数据了,就停止采集 if (!keep_capturing) { capturing_ = false; done_capturing_.Set(); } } if (rendering_) { size_t samples_out; int64_t elapsed_time_ms; int64_t ntp_time_ms; const int sampling_frequency = renderer_->SamplingFrequency(); // 从上层接口获取音频数据 audio_callback_->NeedMorePlayData( SamplesPerFrame(sampling_frequency), 2, 1, static_cast(sampling_frequency), playout_buffer_.data(), samples_out, &elapsed_time_ms, &ntp_time_ms); // 播放音频数据 const bool keep_rendering = renderer_->Render( rtc::ArrayView(playout_buffer_.data(), samples_out)); if (!keep_rendering) { rendering_ = false; done_rendering_.Set(); } } auto end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); auto diff = std::chrono::duration(end - start).count(); if (diff > kFrameLengthMs) { WEBRTC_LOG("JNI capture audio data timeout, real capture time is " + std::to_string(diff) + " ms", DEBUG); } // 如果AudioDeviceModule要被销毁了,就Detach Thread if (capturer_->isJavaWrapper() && needDetachJvm && !detached2Jvm) { DETACH_CURRENT_THREAD_IF_NEEDED(); detached2Jvm = true; } else if (needDetachJvm) { detached2Jvm = true; } } // 时间没到就一直等,当够了10ms会触发下一次音频处理过程 tick_->Wait(WEBRTC_EVENT_INFINITE); } // 析构函数 FakeAudioDeviceModule::~FakeAudioDeviceModule() { WEBRTC_LOG("In audio device module FakeAudioDeviceModule", INFO); StopPlayout(); // 关闭播放 StopRecording(); // 关闭采集 needDetachJvm = true; // 触发工作线程的Detach while (!detached2Jvm) { // 等待工作线程Detach完毕 } WEBRTC_LOG("In audio device module after detached2Jvm", INFO); thread_.Stop();// 关闭线程 WEBRTC_LOG("In audio device module ~FakeAudioDeviceModule finished", INFO); }




//... video_source = rtc->CreateVideoSource(rtc->CreateFakeVideoCapturerInSignalingThread()); //... FakeVideoCapturer *RTC::CreateFakeVideoCapturerInSignalingThread() { if (video_capturer) { return signaling_thread->Invoke(RTC_FROM_HERE, rtc::Bind(&RTC::CreateFakeVideoCapturer, this, video_capturer)); } else { return nullptr; } }


// 构造函数 FakeVideoCapturer::FakeVideoCapturer(jobject video_capturer) : running_(false), video_capturer(video_capturer), is_screen_cast(false), ticker(webrtc::EventTimerWrapper::Create()), thread(FakeVideoCapturer::Run, this, "FakeVideoCapturer") { // 保存会使用到的Java函数 JNIEnv *env = ATTACH_CURRENT_THREAD_IF_NEEDED(); video_capture_class = env->GetObjectClass(video_capturer); get_width_method = env->GetMethodID(video_capture_class, "getWidth", "()I"); get_height_method = env->GetMethodID(video_capture_class, "getHeight", "()I"); get_fps_method = env->GetMethodID(video_capture_class, "getFps", "()I"); capture_method = env->GetMethodID(video_capture_class, "capture", "()Lpackage/name/of/rtc4j/model/VideoFrame;"); width = env->CallIntMethod(video_capturer, get_width_method); previous_width = width; height = env->CallIntMethod(video_capturer, get_height_method); previous_height = height; fps = env->CallIntMethod(video_capturer, get_fps_method); // 设置上交的数据格式YUV420 static const cricket::VideoFormat formats[] = { {width, height, cricket::VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(fps), cricket::FOURCC_I420} }; SetSupportedFormats({&formats[0], &formats[arraysize(formats)]}); // 根据Java中反馈的FPS设置主循环执行间隔 RTC_CHECK(ticker->StartTimer(true, rtc::kNumMillisecsPerSec / fps)); thread.Start(); thread.SetPriority(rtc::kHighPriority); // 因为Java端传输过来的时Jpg图片,所以我这里用libjpeg-turbo进行了解压,转成YUV420 decompress_handle = tjInitDecompress(); WEBRTC_LOG("Create fake video capturer, " + std::to_string(width) + ", " + std::to_string(height), INFO); } // 析构函数 FakeVideoCapturer::~FakeVideoCapturer() { thread.Stop(); SignalDestroyed(this); // 释放Java资源 JNIEnv *env = ATTACH_CURRENT_THREAD_IF_NEEDED(); if (video_capture_class != nullptr) { env->DeleteLocalRef(video_capture_class); video_capture_class = nullptr; } // 释放解压器 if (decompress_handle) { if (tjDestroy(decompress_handle) != 0) { WEBRTC_LOG("Release decompress handle failed, reason is: " + std::string(tjGetErrorStr2(decompress_handle)), ERROR); } } WEBRTC_LOG("Free fake video capturer", INFO); } bool FakeVideoCapturer::Run(void *obj) { static_cast(obj)->CaptureFrame(); return true; } void FakeVideoCapturer::CaptureFrame() { { rtc::CritScope cs(&lock_); if (running_) { int64_t t0 = rtc::TimeMicros(); JNIEnv *env = ATTACH_CURRENT_THREAD_IF_NEEDED(); // 从Java端获取每一帧的图片, jobject java_video_frame = env->CallObjectMethod(video_capturer, capture_method); if (java_video_frame == nullptr) { // 如果返回的图片为空,就上交一张纯黑的图片 rtc::scoped_refptr buffer = webrtc::I420Buffer::Create(previous_width, previous_height); webrtc::I420Buffer::SetBlack(buffer); OnFrame(webrtc::VideoFrame(buffer, (webrtc::VideoRotation) previous_rotation, t0), previous_width, previous_height); return; } // Java中使用直接内存来传输图片 jobject java_data_buffer = env->CallObjectMethod(java_video_frame, GET_VIDEO_FRAME_BUFFER_GETTER_METHOD()); auto data_buffer = (unsigned char *) env->GetDirectBufferAddress(java_data_buffer); auto length = (unsigned long) env->CallIntMethod(java_video_frame, GET_VIDEO_FRAME_LENGTH_GETTER_METHOD()); int rotation = env->CallIntMethod(java_video_frame, GET_VIDEO_FRAME_ROTATION_GETTER_METHOD()); int width; int height; // 解压Jpeg头部信息,获取长宽 tjDecompressHeader(decompress_handle, data_buffer, length, &width, &height); previous_width = width; previous_height = height; previous_rotation = rotation; // 以32对齐的方式解压并上交YUV420数据,这里采用32对齐是因为这样编码效率更高,此外mac上的videotoolbox编码要求必须使用32对齐 rtc::scoped_refptr buffer = webrtc::I420Buffer::Create(width, height, width % 32 == 0 ? width : width / 32 * 32 + 32, (width / 2) % 32 == 0 ? (width / 2) : (width / 2) / 32 * 32 + 32, (width / 2) % 32 == 0 ? (width / 2) : (width / 2) / 32 * 32 + 32); uint8_t *planes[] = {buffer->MutableDataY(), buffer->MutableDataU(), buffer->MutableDataV()}; int strides[] = {buffer->StrideY(), buffer->StrideU(), buffer->StrideV()}; tjDecompressToYUVPlanes(decompress_handle, data_buffer, length, planes, width, strides, height, TJFLAG_FASTDCT | TJFLAG_NOREALLOC); env->DeleteLocalRef(java_data_buffer); env->DeleteLocalRef(java_video_frame); // OnFrame 函数就是将数据递交给WebRTC的接口 OnFrame(webrtc::VideoFrame(buffer, (webrtc::VideoRotation) rotation, t0), width, height); } } ticker->Wait(WEBRTC_EVENT_INFINITE); } // 开启 cricket::CaptureState FakeVideoCapturer::Start( const cricket::VideoFormat &format) { //SetCaptureFormat(&format); This will cause crash in CentOS running_ = true; SetCaptureState(cricket::CS_RUNNING); WEBRTC_LOG("Start fake video capturing", INFO); return cricket::CS_RUNNING; } // 关闭 void FakeVideoCapturer::Stop() { running_ = false; //SetCaptureFormat(nullptr); This will cause crash in CentOS SetCaptureState(cricket::CS_STOPPED); WEBRTC_LOG("Stop fake video capturing", INFO); } // YUV420 bool FakeVideoCapturer::GetPreferredFourccs(std::vector *fourccs) { fourccs->push_back(cricket::FOURCC_I420); return true; } // 调用默认实现 void FakeVideoCapturer::AddOrUpdateSink(rtc::VideoSinkInterface *sink, const rtc::VideoSinkWants &wants) { cricket::VideoCapturer::AddOrUpdateSink(sink, wants); } void FakeVideoCapturer::RemoveSink(rtc::VideoSinkInterface *sink) { cricket::VideoCapturer::RemoveSink(sink); }



[1] JNI的替代者—使用JNA访问Java外部功能接口 [2] Linux共享对象之编译参数fPIC [3] Android JNI 使用总结 [4] FFmpeg 仓库

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